2010-03-08 14:39:59 UTC
It's my dream to become an actor but never really thought it could happen till I found out about John Casablancas school of modeling/acting. I allway like to research something before I do it, for example P90X; it works and I lost 15pounds in 3 weeks!!! I want ACTUAL RESULTS FROM ACTUAL PEOPLE WHO WHENT THERE. I want factual stories from real people and NO answers from people who havent done it and that means you ELDARODO. I'm not stupid, I know that acting and modeling is a VERY compeditive business so most of you will try to scare me away so you can have no copetition. I got an interview and told me they will call me back in two months (now 1) and they told me to loose as much weight as possible ( now 245 and used to be 260 thanks to P90X ) and also that I will most likely have to cut my long hair otherwise I won't find work. That doesn't sound like they except just anyone PS I'm not bad looking compared to the 1000's of people I see at Mardi Gras (and yes I live in Louisiana) each year but I think they will improve me and make me above average. I believe that some of you would also write bad comments because maybe you couldn't get in. I am 6 foot 1 and very big in size not fat. I weigh 245 and I should be around 212. Im 17 and male with long natural blond hair. Now to review ONLY ANSWERS FROM REAL PEOPLE!!!