Why do some people still think there was ever a COUNTRY called 'Palestine'?
2008-03-03 09:27:09 UTC
Shall we put this little lie to bed once and for all...?

Palestine was a *region*.

It used to be named JUDEA. The Romans conquered it, and renamed it 'Palestina' after the sea faring Philistines - who have long since vanished.

And do most people understand what became of this REGION?

The British gave 82% of it to the Arabs. We know it as JORDAN.

Of the remaining 18% - a tiny sliver went to the Palestinian JEWS. Yep, today that is Israel. The rest of the REGION went to the Palestinian Arabs.
This was under the 1947 Partition Plan.

Who accepted the plan? The Jews.

Who rejected it and attacked Israel? The Arabs.

Why do people still labour under the delusion that there was ever a country called Palestine - and why do they STILL think that today's Palestinian Arabs are somehow the 'natives'???
34 answers:
2008-03-03 10:15:31 UTC
Palestine has never been a country. The land area now called Israel and Jordan were once referred to as Palestine under a British mandate.

In 1923, the British divided the area into two administrative districts, one of which was called Trans-Jordan. Many people conveniently forget that Jordan was created in the same historical period as Israel. Who is firing rockets into Jordan?

Historically, there is no Palestinian people. Even the former PLO activist, Walid Shoebat, said, "Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?” In another interview, he said, " Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians – they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all of the sudden we had a Palestinian flag.”
2016-04-05 01:50:29 UTC
1] There has never been a sovereign state called Palestine. Israel, with the approval of Jordan and Egypt, has encouraged West Bank and the Gaza Strip to join and form a Palestinian State; but it hasn't been successful because the Arab leaders in those territories are determined to destroy Israel rather than form a government for themselves. 2] The last leaders? Well, Abdallah II bin Hussein is King of Jordan; Shimon Peres is President of Israel. Gaza Strip and West Bank are nominally under the Palestine Liberation Organization [PLO], but have not formed a stable government. Before that, these lands were all under temporary government by the British Mandate of Palestine;during British rule, the "Palestine Pound" was the currency, and there were also Mandate of Palestine postage stamps. Note that the currency was the Pound, modeled after British money. Before that, by the Ottoman Empire for 400 years. The name Palestine was not used as an official name during Ottoman rule. Want to go farther back? Look it up then. I don't think anything farther back should be a factor in defining today's borders. 3] What organization was it a member of? Well, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the League of Nations assigned the UK to rule the area. So it wasn't a "member" of the League of Nations, but a creation of it. When Jordan and Israel were founded, they became members of the UN, which replaced the League of Nations. West Bank was part of Jordan and Gaza was part of Egypt until 1967, when they were annexed by Israel in an effort to control attacks on Israel. Jordan and Egypt don't want them back. So now by default they belong to Israel, until they can form their own government. Israel doesn't want them any more than Jordan and Egypt do. The PLO has observer status in the UN. This is a very abbreviated history of modern Palestine. It interests me that some people use the British Mandate of Palestine currency and postage as evidence that Palestine was a sovereign nation, when these prove just the opposite, that the area was under British rule.
2008-03-04 03:00:00 UTC
The name "Palestine" was made up by the British and French, when they divided the Area between them, after taking it from the Turks, at the end of WWI, before that, the area of Palestine, Trans Jordan and Israel were a part of Syria, and that definition was The way the Turks / Ottomans divided their empire, nearly 1000 years ago.

When the territory was divided, the Arab citizens of Palestine, who found themselves separated from their original homeland (Syria) started creating their separate national identity.

But Palestine was never an independent country, and The ex southern Syrians, that renamed themselves Palestinians, because the British chose to name this territory Palestine, live now in several countries, most of them are Jordanian Citizens, and nearly half of them are Israeli citizens or belong to the Palestinian authority.

Israel was and independent country from since 1000 BC, the first Israeli king was Saul, followed by David, Solomon, and later divided into 2 states, the northern of which was still named Israel.
2008-03-04 06:07:15 UTC
Because they are ignorant and have not bothered to find out what the facts are. You left out the period of Ottoman rule over the region called Palestine. There was definitely a kingdom called Israel under David. It later split into the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Judah in the south. The Palestinians today who deny history will never win their case because they refuse the truth.
Michael J
2008-03-03 11:42:30 UTC
To clear up an associated bit of confusion:

The Philistines mentioned in the Old Testament did in fact inhabit a swath of land along the coase, which was called Pleshet. The name 'Palestine' was a Roman derivation of this name applied to the whole region after the unsuccessful Bar Kokhva revolt of 132 CE. However, the Philistines themselves never controlled all the region once called Palestine, but were confined to the coast. Further, they did not predate the Israelite return from Egypt, but rather were contemporary with it. The Philistines were a Greek/Minoan sea-people who first attempted to conquer Egypt, and only after being repulsed did they settle the the coast of present day Israel and Gaza. Either way, the Philistines and their culture was destroyed in the same war that destroyed ancient Judea, but unlike those ancient Jews, they never returned to rebuild what had been destroyed. The Philistines were a forgotten memory until the Romans revived some form of the name to label the region. The Palestinians today are not descendants of those Philistines, and thus do not have any connection to the ancient Philistine country (meaning it was not Palestine). Palestinians are actually Arabs, descended from the Arabs who swept out of Arabia to conquer much of the world in the 7th century.
2008-03-03 12:44:07 UTC
The cease-fire lines (the Green line) never became a recognized international border. Borders remain subject to negotiation. In 1948, Israel declared a state in the area West of the Green Line. The resultant area of Israel was considerably smaller than that of Vancouver Island.

In 1967, Egypt and Syria simultaneously made war on Israel, again with the declared aim of destroying it. Israel asked King Hussein of Jordan not to join the hostilities, promising not to attack Jordan. Hussein did attack, and in the course of the ensuing Six Day War, lost control of the area of Palestine west of the Jordan, including Jerusalem. Later in June, 1967, Israel offered to exchange the newly conquered areas of Sinai and the Golan Heights and an undetermined area of Judaea and Samaria for peace. The Arab states meeting at Khartoum issued their three Noes: No peace, no negotiation, no recognition.

Security Council Resolutions 242 and 343 specifically do not require Israel to withdraw all the way to the Green Line, but "from territories" (intentionally not the territories) captured in 1967 to "secure and recognized borders." These have not yet been offered by the other side. Pending the signing of a peace treaty, Israel's "occupation" of the territories is legal under UNSC Resolution 242. Israel therefore accepts Resolutions 242 and 343.

The Geneva Convention does not apply to Israel's actions in territories, in the view of eminent international lawyers. However, Israel voluntarily applies its provisions.

In 1964, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was set up by Egypt with the express object of recapturing the whole of Palestine for the Arabs. (This was of course before the "West Bank" came under Israeli control.) See the Palestinian National Covenant (not yet amended.)

Meeting in Cairo from June 1-9,1974, the Palestinian National Council adopted its "Phased Plan," under which any territories captured or won by negotiation from Israel would be taken possession of and used as a base for further operations, until the goal of "recovery" of the whole of Palestine was achieved. It is not clear if this is still in force, though statements by Palestinian leaders such as the late Feisal Husseini suggest that it is.

The obligation of the PLO to cease from violence and incitement did not begin with the Tenet and Mitchell agreements but with the Oslo agreements themselves in 1993. See the full text. Arafat clarified this obligation in an attached letter to Prime Minister Rabin: ."....upon the signing of the Declaration of Principles, the PLO encourages and calls upon the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to take part in the steps leading to the normalization of life, rejecting violence and terrorism, contributing to peace and stability..."

2008-03-03 18:23:29 UTC
There was never really a country called palestine ruled by Arabs. Before the creation of Israel, it was known as the British "mandate of Palestine". Well before that, the jews have lived there for a long time.
2008-03-03 14:30:44 UTC
I must admit that up until a year ago I too was a dunderhead who thought Palestine was a country; a Catholic I was arguing with on another forum enlightened me.

The media always talks as though it is/was a country in itself rather than a region like New England in USA, Northern Beaches in New South Wales or The Balkans in southeastern Europe.

I consider myself well-read, hungry for knowledge with a good grasp of it and better than average intellect - if it took me 60 years to understand/realise/learn such a simple fact what chance is there for anyone else? *tongue firmly in cheek ... but*

Unless it comes up in conversation there's little need to point it out unless you're trying to advertise your (my) knowledge.

Since learning that snippet of knowledge it's the first time I can recall using it/commenting on it.

I'd be surprised if any of my friends know this cos it's never come up in conversation - I'm waiting but not holding my breath.

AND when you couple that with the lying nature of so many Arabs ... it's not in THEIR best interest to tell the truth, huh?


"As Golda Meir used to say, "There is no Palestine." "

Now this, to many people, probably meant/means - there may once have been a Palestine BUT now there isn't.

2008-03-03 11:11:01 UTC
Israel belonged to the Jews long before any Arabs lived there regardless of what the region was called. Arabs already have 80% or more of the area so why don't they just leave the Jews alone with the measley small percentage they have. Arabs didn't even want it until the Jews made modern improvements to it. Why do so many Muslim leaders think they need to conquer the entire world? The Jews have always protected all the religious sites, but when the Arabs took over part of the land they descrated the Jewish temples and turned them into places to keep animals. To learn more look at this site. It has extensive information about the area
2008-03-03 10:48:52 UTC
When Israel and Jordan were created Israel got the short end of the stick. It is only thanks to Harry S Truman that they got any part of the stick at all.

When Great Britain gave up her mandate over the land and pulled out, they gave all of the fortresses and all of the existing weapons to the Arabs.

The neighboring Arabs immediately declared war on Israel and attacked her. The Arabs, got their noses bloodied. The Arabs tried again and again to drive Israel out and got their noses bloodied time and again. It's amazing that they have any blood left.

The Good old United Nations in its traditional fairness, never took much notice of any of the Wars started by the Arabs until the Arabs started losing each time. Then the UN demanded that everyone stop fighting and play nice.

Nothing has changed at the UN or with the Arabs but much has changed with israel.

She is the strongest power in the region and has a flourishing Democracy and a flourishing land.

This is anathema to the Arabs who have never been able to make much of their land until the oil money started flowing.

Israel does two things which are unnacceptable to the Arabs and always will be.

1: Jews treat women as equals with all the rights and priviliges that men have and then some.

2: Israel is a democracy and all people are treated equally. The Arabs can never accept either principal, thus they will always try to eliminate Israel.

Israel will probably always prevail but her patience is running thin and one of these days she will have had enough and unleash forces that the Arabs will find irresistible. At that point, Europe can screech all it wants but the Mideast will; change permanently.

Clive H offers an interesting although totally fictional perspective. I'll bet when he gets to 6th grade and actually studies something other than the new testament he will learn more. '

Edit 2

I think one point ought to made clear here

Israel is a Sovereign State

Israel has been under attack by foreign powers for 60 years and no one, other than the US, has ever taken her side.

Israel has the power to destroy her Arab enemies and to ignore her Euopean enemies. ( Essentially all of anti-semitic, anti-Israel Europe that is)

Israel is a fact of life and will always be a fact of life.

Get used to it folks.

Rant and rave all you like

Keep spreading your stupid propaganda all you like

Vent your anti semitism all you like

Beat up your kids and kick the dog if it helps.

But get used to it.

israel is here to stay.

She will be here as long as there is a Mid-East.

If Israel ever disappears, so will the entire Mid-East.

Ok, now start your screeching and bloowing again.,

No one's listening.
2008-03-03 21:18:53 UTC
i think most people believe there WILL be.

and the arabs are the natives, in fact, also the jewish minority that lived there during the ottoman empire spoke arabic as a mother tongue.
2008-03-03 13:22:08 UTC
What a fascinating array of facts and real history! Great contributors! There is no logical explanation for the spin that has been put on this situation aside from an all-out hatred for God almighty, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and thus a hatred for the people he chose out of all the earth to bring us the messiah -- Jesus Christ.
2008-03-03 14:45:18 UTC
This argument dose not serve Israel at all to say there was no country called Palestine. Who we are fooling. We are fooling ourselves only. There are more 2 million Israelis who call themselves Palestinians too.

Israeli chai.
2008-03-03 13:44:37 UTC
There has been a country called "Palestine"

dating from 136 CE.

It was not independent, but neither was

Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and so on.

There is a mass of evidence where the name

"Palestine" is mentioned and anyone who

disagrees is just plain wrong.
2008-03-03 11:05:46 UTC
I agree. There never was a COUNTRY called 'Palestine'. I am amazed at how history seems to be changing! Doesn't anyone read "real" history books any more? I am shocked that people can say there never was an Israel. How do they explain the archaeological, and historical records?
2016-03-01 10:57:55 UTC
Walid Shoebat is a fraud.
Annt Hu DeShalit
2008-03-03 11:59:51 UTC
Thanks for unblocking me. I could not figure out why you had blocked me in the first place.

The Land of Israel is holy to the Jewish People. Anyone who doubts that might want to ask them if they would willingly give it up. Hint: they would answer in the negative.

The Jewish people have lived in the land of Israel for about 3000 years, and only THEY have ever had a sovereign state there. Even under the years of Byzantine, Arab and Turkish rule, there was a continuous Jewish presence. There has been a Jewish majority in Jerusalem since the 1840s.

After the defeat by the Allies of the Turkish Ottoman Empire, the League of Nations (forerunner of the United Nations) allotted mandates to Britain and France, with responsibility for developing states for the Arabs in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, and a national home for Jews in Palestine. Thus, these major Arab states owe their origin to the same international acts as those that led to the Jewish state.

The area the Jewish national home was established in was then known as Palestine, and the Jews who settled there were accordingly known as Palestinians. Until 1948, the present Israel Philharmonic was the Palestine Orchestra, the Jerusalem Post the Palestine Post, and so on.

Palestine was never a country, but a somewhat vaguely defined geographical area. No occupying power ever made it an independent state, or established a capital in Jerusalem. Under the Ottoman Empire, it was part of the vilayet, or province, of Syria. The Arabs of Palestine had no historical, national or cultural identity distinct from other Arabs of the region. The term "Palestinian" almost never carried its present meaning until the 1960s, even for Arabs.

Arabs even denied that there was any such country as Palestine. During various deliberations about what was to become of "Palestine" after the Mandate, conducted by British and international commissions and other bodies, culminating with the United Nations in 1947, Arab officials, spokesmen and writers expressed their views on "Palestine." "There is no such country as Palestine. "Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented. . . . Our country was for centuries part of Syria. 'Palestine' is alien to us. It is the Zionists who introduced it." Local Arab leader to British Peel Commission, 1937.

"There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not," Professor Philip Hitti, leading Arab historian: to Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946. And later: "It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria." Ahmed Shukeiry, later founding chairman of the PLO, to United Nations Security Council, 1956

"Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel." Zuheir Muhsin, late Military Department head of the PLO and member of its Executive Council. Dutch daily Trouw, March 1977.

In 1922, Britain, the mandatory power, supposedly temporarily, split off 75% of the intended Jewish national home, to establish the Emirate of Transjordan, as a throne for the Arabian Hashemite family. No Jews were allowed to settle there. Both Churchill and Roosevelt publicly acknowledged that Arab immigration into Western Palestine exceeded Jewish immigration during the mandatory period..

In 1947, the UN decided to split the remaining part of Palestine between Jews and Arabs. The Jews accepted this, because it would lead to a Jewish state, although in a very much smaller area than they had been promised. The Arabs refused, because they wanted the whole of Palestine for themselves. They immediately began hostilities against the Jewish inhabitants.

Six Arab armies, in overwhelmingly superior force, attacked the new state, with the publicly declared aim of massacring the Jews and driving out the survivors. The small Jewish forces defeated the invaders and increased the area under Jewish control. Transjordan annexed the area intended for an Arab state, and renamed itself the Kingdom of Jordan, calling the annexed area the West Bank. Only two states, Britain and Pakistan (not Canada) recognized the annexation. Half of Jerusalem remained in Jordanian hands. The Jordanians systematically desecrated and destroyed synagogues and Jewish graves in the Jerusalem area. No Jews were permitted to live in Jordanian-controlled areas.

2008-03-03 14:11:47 UTC
As Golda Meir used to answer, "There is no Palestine, and no Palestinian people." This is the best question I've ever read explaining that answer. If anyone still believes there is or ever was, it's because they believe a lie.
2008-03-03 13:54:28 UTC
What books you been reading girl,or do you skip the bits you dont wanna see.

You said it yourself girl!

"Palestinian Arabs," now you tell me, how can there be any Palestinian Arabs if there isnt a Palestine?

Don't play semantics or politics until you know how to read!
2008-03-03 09:54:19 UTC
do the haters not know this, or do they ignore it? there are some people that want to see the entire middle east ethnically cleansed of jews, and they think they can get away with it by declaring it "arab land".

whatever the world thinks, israel will not let that happen.
credo quia est absurdum
2008-03-03 09:39:55 UTC
Lack of education.

Socialistic geography teachers (i.e., those who teach the approved gov't curricula rather than what is)

Socialistic history teachers (see comment on geography teachers)

Lack of understanding of what a political boundary actually is
2008-03-03 11:11:40 UTC
Well thanks for unblocking me.

Regarding the rejection or acceptance of the plan. Parties accept a plan when they find it fair. reject it when its not.

Why was the plan unfair?

Okay you're right Palestine was never a country. it was a region, but all of it (100%) belonged to Arabs/Muslims before it was occupied by the British (under the Ottomans). then the British conquered the land, allowed Jews in and somehow Jew started settling and finally declaring statehood (in a region that belonged to Arabs).

what you're suggesting is like saying Florida is not a country why cant we have 18% of Florida? lets have a partition plan we accept it why would America reject it!?!?!

UN? and UN is impartial? there has a lot of anti-Israel resolutions all vetoed by people like Bolton (woof).

Micheal J - Palestinians are a forgotten memory? they're history? but Zion is not? please...
2008-03-03 11:09:44 UTC
we could talk until were blue in the face, they are still going to follow the propaganda
2008-03-05 01:15:32 UTC
The Land of Israel has been lived in by the Jewish people, continuously, for over 5,000 years. At times there were very few, due to repeated occupation & re-occupation by a succession of conquering murderers, Babylonians, Byzantines, Ottomans, Romans, Mamaluks & the British, to name but a few.

Prior to 1948, there were just Palestinians in Israel - Palestinian Jews & Palestinian Arabs (Christians & Moslems).

Until the declaration of the State of Israel in 1948, there were Jews and Arabs in Palestine; Palestinian Jews & Palestinian Arabs.

The State of Israel comprises 27.8% of the original land of Palestine, and was allocated to the Palestinian Jews. The remaining 72.2%of the original land of Palestine was allocated to the Palestinian Arabs.

When Germany was defeated during the second World War, so were the Turks who were in occupation in Palestine. In 1916 control of the Southern portion of their Ottoman Empire was "mandated" to France and Britain under the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which divided the Arab region into zones of influence.

Lebanon and Syria were assigned (mandated) to France... and "Palestine" (today's Jordan, Israel and "West Bank") was mandated to Great Britain.

However, contrary to the agreements that were made in 1923, Egypt, Jordan & Lebanon abrogated their responsibilities to the Palestinian Arabs that were living on the Lands.

The Palestinian Arabs were allocated an "Arab Palestinian" homeland, in what is now Jordan. The remaining 27.8% of Palestine (now West of the Jordan River) was to be the Jewish Palestinian homeland, and the Palestinian Jews decided to name their 27.8%, Israel. In effect, THE BRITISH had "CHOPPED OFF" 72.2% OF THE ORIGINALLY PROPOSED JEWISH PALESTININAN HOMELAND TO FORM AN ARAB-PALESTINIAN NATION CALLED TRANS-JORDAN (meaning "across the Jordan River"). This territory east of the Jordan River was given to Emir Abdullah (from Hejaz, now Saudi Arabia) who was not even an Arab-"Palestinian!" This portion of Palestine was renamed Trans-Jordan. Trans-Jordan was again renamed - "Jordan" in 1946. In other words, the Eastern 72.2% of what was Palestine was renamed twice, in effect, erasing all connection to the name "Palestine!"

In 1947, the General Assembly of the UN passed Resolution 181, known as the Partition Plan, intended to divide the remaining 27.2% of Palestine into a Jewish Palestinian State and a SECOND Arab Palestinian State (Trans-Jordan being the first) based upon population concentrations.

The Jewish Palestinians accepted... the Arab Palestinians rejected. By this time, ongoing investment from Jewish philanthropists from around the world, for example the Rothschild family, was turning a previously barren wilderness, into a habitable Land. Nevertheless, the Palestinian Arabs still wanted ALL of Palestine... both East AND West of the Jordan River.

In doing this, the General Assembly of the UN violated the League of the Nations' Mandate for Palestine in that it granted political rights to the Arabs in Western Palestine - yet, ironically, the Jews applauded the plan's passages while the Arabs worked to thwart it.

The 'Palestinians' as a nation of Arab Moslems, WERE A CREATION OF YASIR ARAFAT IN 1964, with 2 main goals: to destroy the Jewish people living in the newly-declared State of Israel, & secondly, to line Arafat's own pockets. (Incidentally, isn't it curious that Arafat's wealthy widow, Suha, lives with her daughter in Malta in luxury, on proceeds from the money given by the European Development Fund, supposedly for the betterence of the lives of the Palestinian Arabs?).

Whilst Arafat was alive, Suha was receiving $100,000 a month from Arafat out of the Palestinian budget; she admits that she currently receives a pension from the Palestinian Authority of $10,000 (£5,000) a month.

The League of Nations' resolution creating the Palestine Mandate included the following significant clause: “Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country." NO SUCH RECOGNITION OF ARAB RIGHTS IN PALESTINE WAS EVER GIVEN.

NO other peoples had ever established a National Homeland in the area previously known as "Palestine" since the Jews had done so 5,000 years before.

The incoming Jews cleared the land of swamps and malaria, scorpions, snakes & thistles, in preparation for the rebirth of Israel. This Jewish effort to revitalize the land attracted an equally large immigration of Arabs from neighbouring areas who were drawn by employment opportunities and healthier living conditions. There was never any attempt to "rid" the area of what few Arabs there were, or those Arab masses that immigrated into this area along with the Jews.

This contrasts with the actions of the governments of Morocco, Egypt, Iran (then Persia), Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon Syria &Yemen, who caused thousands of Jewish people to flee the homes that had been occupied by their families for generations. They ended up in pre-State 'Palestine'. (Even a cursory glance at the general population of Israel today, reveals a majority of dark-skinned Israelis, bearing testimony to their Middle-Eastern roots).

The end result of the 1948 - 1949 Israeli War of Independence was the creation of a Jewish State slightly larger than that which was proposed by the 1947 United Nations Resolution 181. What remained of that almost-created second Palestinian Arab State was gobbled up by (1) Egypt (occupying the Gaza Strip) and by (2) Trans-Jordan (occupying Judea-Samaria (today termed the "West Bank" of the Jordan River) and Jerusalem. During 1950, Trans-Jordan formally merged this West Bank territory into itself and granted all those 'Palestinian Arabs' living there Jordanian citizenship. Since Trans-Jordan was then no longer confined to one side of the Jordan River, it renamed itself simply "Jordan." In the final analysis, the Arabs of Palestine ended up with nearly 85% of the original territory of Palestine... called Jordan but in reality their Arab "Palestinian state. But that was still not 100% and thus the conflict between Arab and Jew for "Palestine" has continued through four more wars and continuous Arab terrorist attacks upon the Israeli citizens. It continues to this very day.

From 1949 - 1967 when all of Judea-Samaria [West Bank & Jerusalem] and Gaza were under Arab [Jordanian & Egyptian] control, no effort was ever made to create a second Palestinian State for the Arabs living there.

Nevertheless, Israel is being expected to now provide these same Arabs with their own country when their fellow Arabs failed to do so.

YASSER ARAFATand his 'Palestinian Liberation Organisation (formed in 1964) discovered their "ancient" identity and a need for "self-determination" and "human dignity" on this very same West Bank only after Israel regained this territory (three years later in 1967) following Jordan's attempt to destroy Israel.

When KING HUSSEIN OF JORDAN occupied the West Bank, no request was ever made to him by the Arabs living there for an independent State.

It isn't logical that the PLO was formed in 1964 to regain the lands they would lose three years later in 1967. This sort of logic makes sense only to those who have not learned that the PLO was formed to destroy Israel. And that is still the goal of Hamas.

After the Six Day War in 1967, Israel regained Jerusalem and other land West of Jordan. The UN Security Council then passed Resolution 242 authorizing Israel to remain in possession of all the land until it had “secure and recognized boundaries
2008-03-03 09:48:59 UTC
It really doesn't matter and I really don't give a damn because people should be free to walk about the earth anywhere they want without being threatened by religious maniacs. We all live on planet earth and it belongs to everyone.

Stupid people with their religious crap claiming to be god's chosen people and others yelling about holy wars.

Take your religious fanaticism and jump into a live volcano and the world will instantly become a peaceful place to live.
2008-03-03 10:35:45 UTC
if what joseph said is true then there was a palestine.

with regards to israel it always existed it was only so called created in the 1950s and recognized and created by the un when syria was defeated in it`s attempts to invade
2008-03-03 12:11:18 UTC
Because they don't read or understand or believe the Bible.
2008-03-03 10:11:40 UTC
Sort of like when people thought the earth was flat...just ignorance.
2008-03-03 10:18:47 UTC
I hope you feel better after that little rant.

It does not matter that Palestine was not internationally ratified, it was and still is a country.

You are wrong to say that the Arabs rejected and attacked the partition plan, it was the Israelis who attacked the Arabs and forced them into the Gaza strip. Does the name Stern Gang mean anything to you? Read your history books and do not disseminate duplicity and half truths.
2008-03-03 09:56:58 UTC
Interesting rant. What's your question exactly?

Palestine is an ancient country mentioned in the Holy Bible. It is older than Israel. The Israelites, if you remember, came out of Egypt and planted themselves on someone elses land, namely the land of Palestine.

Maps of ancient Canaan/Palestine/Israel & Brief History

Maps of Ancient Israel, Canaan, and Palestine - Historical. ... The Dual Kingdom

and Palestine in the Time of Jesus - After the death of King Solomon, ...

Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem which is a Christian Town in the State of Palestine - Jesus Christ is a Palestinian.

2008-03-03 09:32:01 UTC
Heaven is boring
2008-03-03 09:34:22 UTC
I agree with u but there wasn't a country called "Israel" either
2008-03-03 09:59:54 UTC
Yes, There is always a country called Palestine and it will always exist, it was occupied by the Turks (Othoman Empire) for 400 years, the British Mandate, and now Occupied by Israel but what we learn from history occupation never lasts!
Sherona B
2008-03-03 10:39:46 UTC
Because there was

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.