2009-09-22 22:19:07 UTC
there are three comdeic monologues, and I also have my pictures, I'm on the right in both, so you can picture which would fit me better.
Galaxy Video
Marc Morales
Angry Employee:
I met you for a short time five days ago when I came into work. It was my first day. I was in the Folk Song Musical section fixing tapes when I noticed four tapes that were in the wrong place. Fort Apache, the Bronx, Empire Records, War Games, and The Way We Were. Are any of those films folk song musicals? I don’t think so. Then this woman comes over to me and asks if we had that movie that had that guy in it who was in that movie with the girl who was in that movie with that guy. At that moment I decided that I hated people. So I turned myself inward to search for an answer for what to do. I can do stuff like that: I take yoga. Quit. That was the answer. Quit. So I quit. To myself, and I walked out. I went to my therapist Doctor Kubrick, and I asked him why? Why do I hate people? He replied, “Because you hate yourself.” Wow. I do hate myself. But why? Why do I hate myself? I turned myself inward once again to find the answer. My art, I have been neglecting my art. I am an artist. I draw little stick people. I draw them well. But I’ve been neglecting them lately because of my yoga, and work. I love drawing those little stick people. You should always make time for those things that you love to do. I am better now. May I have my job back?
The Altruist
Nick Silver
Ethan, I’ve had it! I can take no more. Do you hear me? You can pretend to be asleep. I don’t care. Pretend you don’t hear me. Your whole life is nothing but pretenses anyway, all of you causes! I AM NOT HAPPY! How could I be? Am I supposed to enjoy you condescension? Should I love you humiliating me in front of all your friends? I hate you friends. Cretins. Blowhards and cretins! You’re nothing but a bunch of phonies! How do you think I feel when I’m introduced as “just” an actress? As if what I did for a living didn’t bring joy into the world! As if what I do for a living doesn’t make this life more bearable for the disenfranchised you pretend to care about! There is dignity! Profound dignity in my life, in my work! But you choose to sneer at it. PEOPLE LOVE SOAP OPERAS! I get mail by the bushel, letters by the trillion! I have fans! I have followers! All over this country people are worried about Montana Beach! Will she leave Brock for Brick? Will she kick her ugly habit? Will she find her mother, true love, or the meaning of life?! People care about me! Who cares about you?! I ask you. Who cares about you! Not I! Not I, Ethan!
Fed Up not being Fed
Look... I really don't give a damn. Chinese is fine. Italian is fine. german is fine. russian is fine. mexican is sensational. sushi is wonderful. at this point, i don't give a ****. even a greasy hamburger would be beautiful. a double bacon cheeseburger, bloody, rare on a soggy-bun--even this will do. even though i never eat meat, haven't put meat in my mouth for over four years, although i'm very strict in this ddepartment, even though the very thought of meat gives me diarrhea, i don't care i'm so godamned hungry i'm ready to eat the knobs off your car radio. We've been driving for over 2 hours. it's approaching 10 o'clock. and i think it's about time you made upi your mind where we're going to eat. we got in the japanese place, you didn't like the look of the waitress--- dirty fingernails. so we get up and leave. then we walk out of roma italiano because the seated us too close to the kitchen. Jesus, right now i wish we were IN the kitchen. then we drive all the way to Chez Monmartre. And here you really flip because the guy at the table said there was fur in his rabbit. This is ridiculous. besides you didnt have to order rabbit, you could have ordered french fries. you cant go wrong with french fries in a french restaurant. and french fries are totally furless. then we drag all the way to roma italiano where you get into a thing with the maitre d' because theres an hour wait. what the hell you expect, godamnit? if we stayed put the first time, we be full of wine and pasta and belching on our way to a movie instead of driving around in circles with our bellies kissing our spines. Hey! Stop! Stop the car! Pull over! There's a McDonalds!