international thesbian society?
2006-05-20 19:40:40 UTC
Anyone ever been a member because i am being asked to join and i definately dont know if i should or not.
Three answers:
Muinghan Life During Wartime
2006-05-20 20:13:06 UTC
I was a member for YEARS as a kid.

A lot of fun really.

You get to meet up with others that do a lot of theater and have the same interests that you do with the state and stage work.

It's a great club!


You'll be glad you did.
2006-05-20 19:48:25 UTC
I was recent inducted. You only have to pay 25$ to be a member for life. usually you get a banquet and junk. awards are given out. It's a good thing, not bad.
2006-05-22 12:50:47 UTC
Thespian is the correct spelling

If you're interested in drama and what not join.

It's so much fun.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.