How To Land A Job Like Miley Cyrus?
Bianca A
2008-02-02 18:32:08 UTC
I am very serious about this. I want to do concert tours and have a show. I just love being in front of people and performing. I have taking acting classes and I need to know which kind of agent to get??? Thanks for the help
44 answers:
2008-02-02 18:36:47 UTC
just keep working at it I'm sure if you want it that bad then you'll keep singing..
2008-02-02 18:41:25 UTC
Well first of all her dad was famous so I am sure he knew the in's and out's and helped her get into the business.

I would say you need to show that you're much different than the rest of the talent out there and have money to get you there. But if a producer or agency likes you, then they would start you out.

I think goals like this are somewhat unrealistic for most people.

You wouldn't just jump into touring. You think Miley got to tour rightr away and had over night success? You have to build a fan base. And look at who her fan base is. Very young girls. What happens when she wants to break awya from adolescents and wants to start making songs geared towards young adults? It may not happen for her. Anyway singing good and acting good doesn't mean much to people these days. You have to bring something to the table that shows you're different. Look at most of the top artists today. They either broke away from a group that was successful (i.e.- Beyonce and Justin Timberlake) or they worked their way up not knowing what would happen.

But good luck in all that you wish to do. I think it would be a long hard road. Look at all the people who try out for American Idol and win but become nobody's because they just weren't what the public thought.
2008-02-02 21:22:57 UTC
Well you have to be able to travel to LA several times. Have to have the finances to buy a $2,500 union card. If you are under 17 have to have a parent who helps you.

Miley's father is a pro with an agent and he certainly helped her at home and professionally AND he paid two times to take her to LA for Hannah, because they turned her DOWN the first time.

She also had small parts in movies before Hannah

AND he was willing to work with her (who wouldn't be, it was GOOD money!)

Understand this is being away from home and friends (no you can't have them on the set) for six - nine months

This is paying for your own apartment or house from your own money, paying for airfare there and back

This is going on a bus or plane for 50 cities over 5 months and living in hotel rooms and working from 9 pm to 11 pm three days a week

This is doing commercial for Wal-MArt

Doing promos on every local TV station at 8 am

Doing live TV at local stations

This is 4-8 hours work 5 days a week for 5 months

And going from city to city WITHOUT being able to actually SEE the city

What you see are airports, TV stations and hotels

It's like going from ONE adult event to another eveyr week for 5 months

You have to smile, even if you have the flu

You HAVE to be nice to people

Even if they are nasty

It is NOT a bed of roses and it DROVE Britney Spears to what she is today

Britney is a VICTIM of the BIZ and being married to a DANCER who was below her

She's a VICTIM

And if you're not careful you end up that way and they report it on the NEWS

Britney was DRIVEN to this by TOO MUCH TOO FAST

And a slick dancer guy who fuddled her

And don't think she was alone

Patty Duke did the SAME thing with an ASSISTANT DIRECTOR

It's common

You're protected

You want out

You want reality

You cling to the first guy with a sweet smile and all he's after is YOUR FAME and MONEY

And your mother says no and your father says no and the next thing you known you're on the evening news and in REHAB because you didn't BELEIVE THEM!

All you know is the arms feel good around you and the kiss tastes great

But the truth is, if you let a frog kiss you, he'll still be a frog bragging to his friends how he got a girl to kiss him!

So go forth with care

The business is filled with pleasures, booze, guys, drugs, glitz

and money and if you're not careful everyone will end up with your money and you'll be in a hospital crying.

Reality is a brick wall that hurts

Hannah Montana is an ILLUSION created by men with power to entice you and entrape you

Tred with care
2008-02-02 19:57:29 UTC
Go to your local bookstore and pick up trade magazines, like hollywood reporter, backstage west, etc. If you can't travel/move to LA or NY, look for an agent in your hometown (google would work fine). While these agents may not be as connected, it's a great start. When you find one you feel right about, after researching them of course, send an envelope containing an acting resume (look online for examples), a recent picture of just you, and a cover letter introducing yourself. All of these things can be explained in better detail in books/articles online and such.

You'll need ongoing training, a unique look (you don't necessarily have to be pretty), and a sense of humor. Trust me, if you take yourself seriously, you're dead.

You'll be faced with rejection time and time again but if you're persistent destiny will lead you where you're supposed to go.
2008-02-02 18:37:37 UTC
The only reason Miley Cyrus in particular is so famous is because of her father.

If you wish to achieve such a job you need to start doing gigs. Go to school talent shows, join plays, and make your talents seen. You never know, maybe one of the audience members could be looking for a prodigy. ;)
2008-02-02 18:35:52 UTC
Well, if you look online you can find out the agency that Miley Cyrus has, and what company it is. Go from there. The competition is fierce, there are thousands of girls exactly like you, wanting to perform and stuff. It takes hard work and a lot of time. (dont forget money) Good Luck!
Isabel Maselty
2008-02-02 18:37:11 UTC
Here are 5 things you have to do before getting a job like that...

1. You have to take alot of acting and singing classes.

2. You have to have letters of reccomendation(ex. from like a teacher)

3. You have to know someone in the buisness.

4. You have to be commited and be willing to move to somewhere like L.A. or NYC.

5. You have to get an agent there.
2008-02-02 18:43:11 UTC
Have connections!(such as her dad)Because more than half of the world doesnt have a famous dad go to an agency(not the ones at the malls those things are scams) i mean the whole going to cali and everything.I'd say google search. I'm serious. My mom once worked for an agency, one of her clients?Brenda song.Also you need talent,perserverence, and be ready to be rejected.
2008-02-02 18:37:21 UTC
Miley Cyrus, is a joke. She'll be famous for about 15 minutes, and then her popularity will die off. As for agencies, you need to find one in your area or near it. You will then need to send them your resume, headshot, and a cover letter. If they are interested, they'll call you. Becoming famous does not happen over night or in a few months. Its a long and arduous process.
2008-02-02 20:23:47 UTC
start local with a Drama club or get a band to sing with. If you don't have someone famous in your family that is the only way. Then move out to other areas.

It will be a long hard road!!!!!!

American Idol
Lea S
2008-02-02 18:37:14 UTC
Go to every audition you can find. Make yourself known. Try making a tape and or a video. P.S It doesn't hurt to have a famous singer in the family. Good Luck.
2008-02-02 18:37:07 UTC
Famous dad, or most of the time people are giving out flyers to try out for those chanels in the malls so just work hard and try to get out there more oh and don't be shy and be yourself
2008-02-03 07:41:43 UTC
(depends o hw old you are) something in your front yard

(or at the playground

(keep going till you get into the school newspaper or something)

2. EVERYONE reads the school newspaper

and SOMEONE has a dad that could do this

My friend danny did the same thing and are REALLY

2008-02-02 18:37:39 UTC
You hav a 1 in 999,999,999,987 chance of becoming even close to her level...I don't care how pretty or talented you are.

Just work hard and what feels right...fame will come if it comes, but don't perform your talents JUST to be famous, do it because you love it or you will hate your life and become pill poppin cocaine lovin' slut.

Good luck!
2008-02-02 18:35:54 UTC
it won't come that easy if you dont have a famous mother or father or sibling, you'll have to work you're way up there and just keep calling agents just like Hilary Swanks mama did, she called agents until one finally said " bring you're daughter in" so I say just keep calling agents but make sure they're legit and everything.
sweets s
2008-02-02 18:36:30 UTC
how about american idol or local talent searches....that can get your foot in the door. But strive to be better than Miley Cyrus. She is famous because of her dad.
2008-02-02 18:35:40 UTC
get famous parents.

No really audition for something like that. There may be open calls especially if you live near a big city. If your taking classes ask who they recommend.
2008-02-02 18:35:21 UTC
lol well miley's dad was famous, umm why dont u try those talent shows and stuff, im sure agents go to them to look for the next star.
2008-02-02 18:36:21 UTC
Seriously, a father who is in the business. Most stars have some connection to Hollywood.
2008-02-02 18:40:16 UTC
Get famous parents
2008-02-02 19:06:35 UTC
A dad who is just as pushy as any stage mom and well known as a singer/actor himself would help.
2008-02-02 18:36:04 UTC
well why dont you go to hollywood or los angelos and audition for many roles in movies or u could start ur own movie and u might actually land a role in something as long as u believe u can and dont give it up
john b
2008-02-02 18:35:49 UTC
its not gonna happen easily, she was born into a wealthy famous house hold, u have to just start out with a small record deal, demos, and talent shows, ect, just get noticed and get used to preforming, start with small films to auditon for plays ect
2008-02-02 18:36:00 UTC
get an agent...go to an agency,

there are things on the radio and chances in different magazines

good luk
If the shoe fits...
2008-02-02 18:35:05 UTC
Why don't you go out to and start networking? This might get you closer to a contact that can get you headed in the right direction.
Ashia K
2008-02-02 18:35:54 UTC
One thing for sure is that u cant just jump into being a big star like she is . You have to start small, and I don't think her dad had anything to do with it.
Billy Shat
2008-02-02 18:35:18 UTC
Go out to L.A., get an agent and you'll be a star in no time.
2008-02-02 18:34:33 UTC
It takes time and work. Oh yeah, and a famous dad.
2008-02-02 18:36:26 UTC
Start a website, put it on google, and BAM! Fame will start.

Please help me out, answer this question,
Susan B
2008-02-02 18:34:08 UTC
have a famous dad.

EDIT holy **** i didnt mean to say the exact same thing as the person before me lol
2008-02-02 18:34:02 UTC
Have a famous dad
2008-02-02 18:36:18 UTC
unfortunately in the celeb world today your really not going to be famous unless you parents are or you date a celeb....but hey you always got American idol! :)
Cha cha
2008-02-02 18:37:40 UTC
Check out this site, it has auditions for tv and movies
2008-02-02 18:34:09 UTC
Have a famous dad?

EDIT: heheh I guess my answer wasn't too creative.
2008-02-02 18:35:42 UTC
famous dad , or rich dad really need one of those but ...Why Cyrus??? so no talent which im sure you have much more then her ....bleh wrong choice
2008-02-02 18:35:30 UTC
have talent & use spellcheck from now on. You're gonna go far. I can tell!
2008-02-02 18:35:14 UTC
date a famos guy like joe jonas back off nick kuz hes all mine
2008-02-02 18:36:21 UTC
famous dadddd
2008-02-02 18:36:05 UTC
do audtions and evenutally youll be discovered
2008-02-02 18:34:51 UTC
all of the above
2008-02-02 18:35:32 UTC
be stupid and spoiled and have a famous parent.
2008-02-02 18:39:52 UTC


How to Get an Agent

Free Sample

The information on this page is an excerpt from the FabJob Guide to Become an Actor. It is only a small sample of the valuable information contained in the 235 page complete guide.

Acting Agents

Getting an agent is probably the single most important thing a professional actor can do for his/her career. Although you can book professional jobs yourself (I have a few friends who got into Broadway shows without an agent), it is the exception to the rule.

What an Agent Is

An agent is an actor's representative. Once an agent represents you, you are his or her "client." They will submit you for roles and try to get you seen by casting directors. They will take 10% of your gross pay once you book a job. They will negotiate your fees and your contracts, and are your greatest professional advocate.

Agents represent lots and lots of wonderful actors. They're busy, and they may not even be looking for new clients. Getting any agent is hard enough, so how do you go about getting a great one?

Getting An Agent

There are three basic ways an actor gets an agent. They are:

1. The agent sees your work and calls you in for an interview.

2. You are recommended to the agent by a casting director, director, producer or fellow actor who is a client of that agent.

3. The agent calls you in for an interview because of your P/R (photo and resume), which he or she received in the mail.

Getting an agent to see your work is the best way to get representation, because they really need to get to know your work before they can represent you to the best of their ability. Even if you get an agent interested via another route, they'll probably want to see you in something before they'll represent you.

The following is an excerpt of some of the ways to get an agent to see your work.

Scene Nights

Scene nights are events in which actors try to be seen by industry people. Rather than putting on a play, a group of actors will put together scenes that show them off. Hundreds of invitations are sent out to agents, casting directors, and directors.

Many times schools will have these nights as a wrap up for a course of study. (I mentioned some of these in Section 4.4). If you can get into one of these scene nights, I highly recommend it. They offer good opportunities for up-and-coming actors to show off their best work to industry people.

I've done two or three scene nights over the years, and they've been pretty helpful. It's important to note that you may not get agent interest by doing just one scene night. You may have to do lots of them before someone calls you in. Don't get discouraged. If casting directors also come to these evenings, they may see you and call you in without representation.

Scene nights, just like any other kind of production, have to be well organized to be effective. The evening should feature a limited number of actors (fewer than 20) with short scenes so the evening runs no longer than 70 minutes. That's even pushing it.

Scene nights are not about putting on a play, they're the equivalent of doing two-minute monologues for a mass audition. As an actor, you want to be featured in at least two scenes that show you off well. In a perfect world, those scenes will also be contrasting in style (comic/dramatic) so you can show a range.

All actors present need to put together their own "press kits" which means their P/Rs (photo and resume) and any reviews or notices of upcoming shows that are appropriate. All P/Rs should then be collated and put into folders, one for each industry professional.

After the show, actors can take a bow and say their names in sequence. This will allow the industry people to jot down any final notes they may have about a particular actor. A sheet should be provided in the press kit with a list of actors' names for any interested agents to indicate which actor(s) they have an interest in. They may want an actor to call them, or they may indicate that they'll call whomever they're interested in themselves.

You should have a director work on all the scenes performed, and make sure that each scene flows quickly into the next. This is not like a scene study class, in which you can take five minutes to set up each new scene. Agents will get fidgety and want to leave. Rehearse scene changes, and use minimal sets. The work should be about your acting, not your props.

If you've worked with a theatre company, see if other actors in the company would want to organize a scene night. Or get a bunch of friends together and rent a space of your own to do one. The more respected the company you've worked for, the better. Try to band together with a name that will attract attention in order to advertise your show effectively.

A Caveat

I need to reiterate a point here about money. There are a number of theatre companies that say they are seeking company members. They will also mention dues that members will then be expected to pay. Tread very carefully when considering these opportunities. More often than not, they are scams. Companies like these often take your money before you even join. That's not cool.

As a rule, you should be getting paid to work as an actor, not vice-versa. If you're working for free, then you're volunteering your professional services. That choice is up to you, but paying to act is an insult to you and your craft.

Agent Workshops

Some classes offer an industry night as part of their curriculum. They boast that many agents and casting directors will show up to see your work. Be wary of these boasts. More often than not these classes will be very expensive, and there is no guarantee that a lot of industry folk will show on any given night.

I took a class like that once. It cost about $400 and we were supposed to be seen by "at least 20 agents and casting directors." If memory serves, six showed. A friend of mine in the class demanded a refund, which they wouldn't give him, but they did let him take a different class for free. I would demand the same if it happens to you.

That said, there are workshops that are reasonably priced and feature wonderful industry professionals as guests. Actors pay a small fee to hear guests speak, and then the actors perform and get critiqued by these guests.

That said, there are workshops that are reasonably priced and feature wonderful industry professionals as guests. Actors pay a small fee to hear guests speak, and then the actors perform and get critiqued by these guests. In New York, one of the best places of this type is (name, address, and phone number of organization is included in the FabJob Guide to Become an Actor.)

They will send you a list of upcoming speakers and events. Speakers include agents, casting directors and directors. If you want to meet a certain individual, call to reserve a slot right away because spaces fill up fast. Prices are fairly reasonable, anywhere from $15 to $20 per session.

I did a couple of different nights many years ago and I felt it was very valuable. Both of the agents I saw gave great advice on pictures, audition techniques, and how to pursue representation. Then I performed a monologue or two, and they gave a brief critique of my work.

The benefit of this type of thing is that you get to be seen by great people who you pick yourself, but be aware that some people are more informative and open to actors than others. It's a numbers game, just like anything else, but it's worth a try. The drawback is the cost, since even reasonable fees start to add up, but don't forget: tax deductible.

For other services like this one, check out the usual suspects - trades and Internet sites listed below. Talk to lots of actors before you pay ANY money for ANY service like this one. You want to invest in a studio that will advance your career, not just sugarcoat it.

The above is only a small sample of the valuable information in the FabJob Guide to Become an Actor. The complete guide includes detailed advice on how to become a successful actor in Hollywood, New York, or your home town. Visit for more information.

Availability: You can have this e-book within minutes. (Also available on CD-ROM.)

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2008-02-02 18:34:29 UTC
go to target
2008-02-02 18:34:27 UTC
ok, anyone but miley cyrus PLEASE!! ugh.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.