How can i become a famous Actress?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How can i become a famous Actress?
23 answers:
2008-08-09 21:50:31 UTC
Okay, you have the right mindset and you are in pretty much the perfect age range for wanting to become an actor :D

So what you have to start out with is this...

1) Get into the drama class at your school immediately

2) Drop by your public library and pick up 3-4 books on acting (and read them all ! but don't stop there, keep getting more and more books:)

3) Audition for all, and every performance venue at your school. (the more experience you get, the better!)

4) Swing by a local community college and take a couple acting classes

5) start memorizing and working on (extensively) audition monologues

6) Audition for all of your local community theatre, and church performances etc...

7) Talk to your parents (if you feel you are a strong enough performer, and if you like acting) about helping you achieve a career in acting.

8) Get some headshots done (nothing too expensive or flashy, just something clean and professional)

9) Find and audition for nearly all SAG or AFTRA approved talent agencies

9 1/2) If you don't want an agent, you can always audition at cattle calls, showcases, or talent searches

10) and remember... ACTING IS A VERY ROCKY CAREER CHOICE :D be ready for lots of rejection, criticism, hard work, and perseverance

but you can do it!! ^.^
2008-08-09 21:05:30 UTC
you need to start fom somewhere

and remeber everyone starts from a small role..

so dont reject a role just cuz its not the main role..

start taking part in as much plays and such stuf as you can..

and have a postive image of yourself..lern to keep your image clean...

and then try to get roles in tv shows even if they r work your way up..

befoe you even go to an agent ..make a portfolio..get experience and improve your acting skills
2016-08-20 13:59:15 UTC
Thanks everyone for the answers!
2015-08-04 11:21:59 UTC
--->> Tips--->
Actor and Host
2008-08-10 06:14:30 UTC
You would be surprised (or maybe not) at how many young people say almost the exact same things in the same way. As a matter of fact, all you have to do is a search here on YahooAnswers and you will find tons of questions just like this and tons of answers as well.

Sometimes I'm torn between telling people who ask these questions to start by getting some training and telling them to just go get a head shot and go to some casting website and start submitting. But reason wins over me and I have to tell you that if you really want to be an actor, you should first put your big rush to do it to the side and slow down. Build your base first. The competition is fierce and if you don’t prepare yourself really well, you will become just another statistic of the many who WANTED TO, but never made it.

I even created a new video on my site on the exact same topic: The reasons why most aspiring actors never make it.

You might have heard in school when you talked about Abraham Lincoln, that he is the author of a famous quote. He said, "If I had three hours to chop down a tree, I would use the first hour to sharpen the axe."

If you don't sharpen your axe first, there will inevitably be a time when you will have to stop chopping and sharpen it, so you might as well do it now.

What does that mean? Get some acting training. Find a good school and a good teacher to help you learn how to act. Start taking drama classes in school and doing school plays. Just do some things that will help you to learn how to act.

While you are doing that, try and understand what it really means to be an actor, what actors do...really while they are trying to get work, how little money most actors make, why actors struggle to make ends meet and how successful actors are able to continuously get work. You need to learn business skills, networking skills, communication skills and a lot more.

When you decide to become an actor, you are making a decision to run your own business. Now I know you are young, but if you can start to grasp these concepts now, you will position yourself ahead of your competition. You might need some help on that last one about business, but if you talk to successful actors, you will learn what I mean. For example, you need to be good at making contacts with the right people. There are ways to do that and ways not to do it.

On the other hand if all you ever aspire to is to work background work or be an extra on Disney or something like that, then don't worry too much about all that stuff I just said and just go and try and get extra work. That's fairly easy to get considering that the majority of all acting work is background work and smaller roles anyway.

But you have to know that if you really want to make a big splash as an actor, sooner or later you will need some real experience and some real good training, because that's what the really good actors have and if you want to compete with them, you will need it too. Extra work is great in my opinion at the very beginning just to start and see how things are on set and how real actors prepare and perform and to see how set directions are given, but it will not make your career and if you do it too much, some say that it will damage your chances of having a real career. Some industry professionals discourage it for those who really want to pursue a serious acting career.

The thing is, you can do both if you want. You can go to school, take acting classes and still work as an extra or even try to do some community theatre while you are learning the craft.

At any rate, have a look at this page on my website for aspiring actors. It has 23 links to pages that have to do with starting your acting career.

You'll find a lot of helpful information there that will make you think about how you can get your acting career started including steps to get started, 17 things you can do fairly soon to start getting work, ways to promote yourself, how to get the money together to fund your career, how to get an agent, 29 ways to promote yourself to get noticed and why acting school is so important.

Good luck!

im worried about my sister
2008-08-09 21:30:31 UTC
1st ur prolly not going to become famous out of one movie but it could happen but take acting classes then try find an agent etc and never turn down a role but also dont just take any role look at the script the dialog try to challenge ur self to make u a better actress k
2008-08-09 21:14:06 UTC
I know Disney Channel and Nickelodeon do a lot of auditions often. You'll see adds for it on TV.

Also I'm going to say, keep your head high and keep going if you don't make a role, Acting takes a lot of practice so...I think you should aim for it, but ALWAYS have something to fall back on, because there is always a chance you won't make it.

You don't have to become a famous actress you know, like Miley (Cyrus), or Vanessa (Anne Hudgens), Or Ashley (Tisdale), not now. Look at them, all very young and their lives constantly in the spotlight. Could you handle that?

I think a suggestion for you is maybe like acting on stage, like at a local theatre. Instead of movies, at first anyways to decide if this is truly what you want.

You might even like that acting instead of movies, being able to go with the audiences reactions.

Of course if your already doing that disregard everything about that kinda acting I just said...

Well, that's what I have, just basically there's way more to being a famous actress then you think, literally your whole life is in the spotlight, and people with pick at every little thing you do.

So Just think of the cosequences to make sure this is something you want.

But also I would definatley say have something to fall back on, because if you fail, and you have nothing to fall back on, well, your screwed, so I suggest success or not, manage to go to college somehow.
2008-08-09 21:08:56 UTC
Good looks. Attitude.

It's NOT all you need.

You need


And you're 14 right? Why don't you just concentrate on your studies? I have a friend, 8 years older than me. I remember her telling me that way back in high school, all of her friends tried out on auditions and joined different agencies for the Fame dream. She was the only one who focused on her studies. Now, young as she is, she's a popular businesswoman, being featured on several magazines. So who's more popular after 10 years, the ones who focused on studies or the ones who desired popularity? :P
2008-08-09 21:05:54 UTC
be good at what you do. go to a bunch of auditions and prepare yourself for rejection, harsh critism and also alot of hard work :)
2008-08-09 21:05:02 UTC
Luck more than talent
2008-08-09 21:18:52 UTC
Acting isn't all just talent its your look and voice too.

Do you look beautiful? Have people told you you look beautiful? Is your voice pitchy or soft? Can you sing? Can you dance? Are you good with footing? Do you like to dress up? Do you always just aim for small roles or do you want leads? Do you get stage fright? Have you taken drama, acting, or dancing lessons?

Those are all questions you have to ask yourself before you even THINK of auditioning for roles. You've got to have a lot of those qualities I've listed above.

If you're serious about this you've got to start out small. There are hundreds of auditions for comercials everyday, the only problem is finding them. My cousin was in one (she got rejected, but she didn't care she's doing it again.), it's very hard and you've got to have patience because there's soooo many other people out there who want to be actors and actresses and share the same dreams as you.

After starting small try and hire an agent, see if he can get you more frequently to auditions, it helps if you know someone in the movie or tv business. Always have a back-up plan a LOT of the time maybe 9 out of 10 people never reach stardom, you have to really want it and you have to be able to dance and sing and act and be the person your playing the role for. If you find your not cut out for acting then you've got to find something else you like. Don't spend your whole life wanting something if its unobtainable, but go after if you tink it is.

I'm not sure on who to call or where to go, you have to find that out yourself, try googling 2008 commercial audtions see what comes up, or maybe movie role auditions if you want to start out bigger rather then smaller. Google is probably very helpful in this situation, and yahoo is too, try either one.

Also you've got to have a look, as in a fashion of your own if you will, you've got to look pretty but not just another pretty face, you've got to have stong features, and you've got to be different from the crowd.

Last but not least if you do get the audition come up with a signature because if you do become famous you're gonna need a cool one, thats of course secondary but it's one of the questions you should ask yourself is if you know a good signature.

Try taking drama classes in your school if they offer them, or join acting clubs. The hardest part is starting out small, learn how to act, and trust me singing and dancing does come in handy if you want to add some spice to your talent, also learning different accents or languages will not only braoden your chances of getting the part because your voice is more diverse, it'll also help you later in life to talk to people with their language or just to be able to speak with that accent.

And lastley be dedicated, if you even have a single SHRED of doubt in your mind that you think you can't be a movie star then acting is not for you, you've got to want it like you've never imagined, don't wait for someone to offer you a role you've got to go out there and get it.

Good luck =]
2008-08-09 21:09:40 UTC
You cant go off just natural talent, you have to get an acting coach or acting classes, then you have to audition for an agency (which are really hard to find), then you have to wait for casting calls that your agent gets you (and depending on who your agent is, you might not get that many) then you have to audtion and you need to get callbacks...its a really long process but if its something you really want to do, look into acting classes/doing community theatre or school plays!! do everything that might put more activities on your resume that you'd have to give an agency. You can also go on a few websites that shows you when certain things are filming so that you can be an extra on it!! Try acting on some student films just so you have a long list on your resume. It is a long shot, but some people actually DO make it big time so there's nothing to lose (except money for classes) IF YOU ARE JUST LOOKING FOR AN AGENT: MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT GO TO SOMEONE WHO MAKES YOU PAY UP FRONT!! its a scam and they just want your money. Choose carefully and do all that you can! Good luck!!
2008-08-09 21:06:12 UTC
As far as becoming a FAMOUS actress, that is virtually almost impossible. In Hollywood it's all about who you know.

If you'd like to just become an actress you can call up your local talent agencies and see if they can represent you and then start taking acting classes. There's more to becoming a successful actress than all the glam you see on t.v.
2008-08-09 21:11:05 UTC
You should start by learning the craft. First be an actress. Then become a good actress. In fact, only a lucky few out of many thousands get to the level of 'Super Star' celebrity. Most are lucky if they are successful enough just to earn a decent living at it. Most of the so called 'overnight sensation' stars who are suddenly thrust into the limelight, spent many, many years working, slowly but steadily developing their careers.
2008-08-09 21:36:08 UTC
dont act to be famous its not all what its cut out to be

take some acting classes and if you really want to act

move to california get an agent do some extra work

and stuff to put on your resume get good headshots shop around

get some good acting books..Tony Barr's Acting for the Camera, Don Richardson's Acting without Agony, Dr. Ken Plonkey's The Tao of Acting

then get and agent and audition all the time as much as you can

good luck ; )
2008-08-09 21:06:08 UTC
It's not as easy as it sounds

When I was a little younger than you I was on commercials because I went to a school of the arts and they told students about auditions.

You should try out for a school like that.

After 3 years of acting I got sick of it and went to college for interior designing and I am doing very well.
2008-08-09 22:10:26 UTC
The question you should be asking yourself is "Do I want to be FAMOUS or to a want to be an ACTOR?" Many people try to get into the business because they like the idea of fame and fortune. There's a big difference between the two and each will yield different results.
2008-08-09 21:05:19 UTC
Your 14 and want to be famous. We'll see if thats ur goal still in a couple of years as most grow out of that stage but if ur serious then acting school would be a good first stop of ur path
2008-08-09 21:04:43 UTC
Set up interviews with talent agents (look them up on the net or in your phonebook)- DO NOT go or make any decisions without a parent.

wait until you go to all of your interviews before you sign because your contract might be exclusive & you want to choose the one that is best for you-

btw its not as glamorous as it seems-

good luck.
2008-08-09 21:11:07 UTC
~Normally, I would suggest that you sleep with a famous producer, but you're only 14. That would limit you to Roman Polanski or Woody Allen. Lots of luck. You might consider Michael Jackson and videos, but you're already a little too old to go that route.
2008-08-09 21:07:03 UTC
Become a Scientologist and date George Clooney ;)
2008-08-09 21:10:23 UTC
i'm going to be on disney channel sometime like next summer or something i think.. anyways i'm going to hollywood to try out but i'm not going to say when
2008-08-09 21:05:39 UTC
thats what i'd like to know.

u'd have to get an agent and move to nyc or something, or get famous on youtube. u just have to get noticed!! that is, if u have talent. i hope ur not just a hannah montana wannabe bc she sucks

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.