Tips on memorizing a script?
2012-12-21 16:17:11 UTC
Hi (:
So I got the lead as Belle in our school play and it's the first role I've ever gotten. I'm crazy nervous and I was wondering if anyone knows any tips on memorizing scripts! It's harder than I thought it'd be... please help? Any ideas? Thanks (:
Five answers:
2012-12-21 18:02:49 UTC
1. Writing down your lines will work the best.

2. Try practicing with the blocking. I found I remember the script better when my body is doing the actions of the play.

3. Also, making a conscious point of remembering what your character wants in each scene. Once you know why he or she is in the scene, then the lines flow better because what is going on in the scene makes more sense.

4. I've done plays too where the other actors would be jumpy with their lines; the best way to practice for this problem is to write your que lines on index cards, and write your response-lines on the back. Shuffle them by scene if you like.

However, seeing that it is "BEAUTY and the BEAST" a lot of your lines will be to music so this will help with the memorization. Most importantly though is just to remember to HAVE FUN with the character and nurture her. Be nice to chorus cast because they will save your butt if you're good to them. Give love to the techies too, the production would not happen without them! =)


When going over your lines to yourself; never practice it with specific inflections that you've been doing onstage. This is crucial because what happens when you practice inflections consistently, the natural feel of the scene/dialogue is lost. Reviewing the script like this will make it where your character's lines no longer feels like lines and start to feel like actual responses/reacting to what is being said/done on stage...meaning it will start to look and sound real because your voice infections will be really in response of the others' dialogue as opposed to sounding like the dialogue in porn movies...if that makes sense.
2012-12-22 00:47:15 UTC
Wow congrats! If u have an apple product there is an app called line please and it definently helps, u have to enter in the script annoyingly but that helps u memorize it too, and if not, writeing it down, reading it over an over until u are very familiar with it, and having someone read lines with u is about all u can do. Good luck!
2012-12-22 00:21:03 UTC
Write your lines down. Do it many times if necessary, it helps me remember. Also you might try going over it with a friend. Using the lines before your line as a way of remembering where you are in the script helps. Like walking from your house you remember streets and trees and things. Same thing.
2012-12-22 00:42:34 UTC
I like to stand in my living room and read the WHOLE THING out loud over and over and over again. You cant be expected to memorize all the other cast lines, but try to focus on being aware of them. Remember, they are cueing your lines and are relying on you to cue theirs as well.
2012-12-22 00:30:36 UTC
Don't act. This may be your first show but its a doorway to bitterness and unhappyness

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