2010-03-25 18:56:05 UTC
Governor's School (looks better on college app)
I don't have to take gym....I will take ballet
School starts later
I get to learn how to sing, dance, and act there. (If I stay for all 4 years)
Everyone there gets along basically and there are no regular students...everyone that goes to school # 1 is an art student
It's harder to get accepted into School #1
School 1 cons:
No music training until sophomore year (I have vocal lessons so I don't have to worry too much but I will miss having chorus for a year)
None of my friends are going there!
It's further than school #2
Haven't seen any cute guys there (if that matters)
School 2 pros:
Some of my friends are going there!
There are some really cute guys (if that matters)
I get to take music theory and singing classes freshman through senior year and I will get to sing all the time
It's closer to home
School 2 CONS:
If I want to take theatre classes I will have to take gym in the summer or online
No dance classes....I will have to get my own private dance classes.
Its easier to get accepted into
More drama there...School #2 is more like an average high school mixed in with arts students