2010-02-22 04:09:07 UTC
For example:
Also what is this?
I mean do people honestly think that looks remotely decent? First Tim Burton enlists Johnny Depp to destroy Charlie in the Chocolate Factory and now they decide to ravage another children's tale in Alice In Wonderland. Johnny Depp is not even that great of an actor. The only movie I have seen that Johnny Depp has shown even an ounce of acting talent was in Finding Neverland.
Did anyone else see Public Enemies by the way? Just watch and you will understand why Johnny Depp really is the almighty actor that everyone brings him out to be, honestly in Public Enemies he was out acted by Christian Bale!
That sentence alone should place Johnny Depp in acting Hell. However he still has legions of followers because he likes to dress in crazy *** costumes and act gay/drunk and for that reason he is apparently the greatest actor to ever exist.
To continue, why cant Tim Burton go out of his element and create a movie that looks completely different than every single movie he has ever made! Yes I could tell that both Big Fish and Planet of the Apes were Tim Burton films they did not need to have the crappy Gothic style attached to them for me to realize that its a Tim Burton film.
Tim Burton Film Criteria
1. Outlandish/Creepy Characters and/or Helena Bonaham Carter, both are the same.
2. Danny Elfman and his inability to create a cohesive score.
3. Gothic Style/Architecture and/or Extremely Bright and Colorful set pieces that just scream gay.
Basically Tim Burton is not a talented director, yes he is a visionary if you consider raping classic children's tales as part of your criteria. I would love, absolutely love to see him do some big action blockbuster just because it would prove to me he is not a one trick pony. Alas all of Tim Burtons films are just the same movie but with a different title.
Tim Burton just looks crazy.