Do u really think that ''The Da Vinci Code'' is a matter of serious concern over religiosity? if so how ?
2006-05-17 23:07:07 UTC
Do u really think that ''The Da Vinci Code'' is a matter of serious concern over religiosity? if so how ?
Four answers:
2006-05-18 13:33:02 UTC
i don't. the story is a piece of fiction even though the author did a fantastic job of tieing so many things together. the book talk about how the dead sea scrolls talk about Jesus and in actuality the dead sea scrolls never even mention him. I know what i believe and just because someone writes a book that says otherwise isn't going to make me change my opinion. I love the da vinci i think it's a great piece of literature.
Mr Sexy Soulpatch Man
2006-05-18 07:50:02 UTC
I think so. People who say it's just fiction are dumb. The Bible has hidden messaeges in it and even predicted world events including the death of Princess Diana. If the Code was cracked then all hell wil break loose.
2006-05-17 23:09:59 UTC
no. besides, its not true.. its a novel,its FICTION! yes, really! im a catholic myself and ive read it and plannign to watch the movie... its just a matter of being clear about what u believe. no offense but those who think it actually affected them has a shallow faith.. sorry but thats what i think. it should never be a concern... its just a F I C T I O N... no priory of sion or whatsoever!
2006-05-17 23:09:03 UTC
No I don't. Its just for entertainment and holds no real truth about christ. Christians need to stop being to ultrasensitive about it.

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